Multiple surface to scatter

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Multiple surface to scatter

Post by raistlin »

Hi anvar, always I ! :)(noooo noo pleeassse, be carefull i ear you! :) )
is it possible to add multiple target to a VrayPattern? I know that we'd have to "attach" to do the trick, but in a lot of case, we need separate element to light our scene and keep modularity... (to hide or show layers for exemple...)
I'm instance the same Pattern, but i've done a test, and for each Vraypattern object it load the file again... Ram cunsomption... Arg...
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Re: Multiple surface to scatter

Post by anvar »

I was just told by our tech guys that unfortunately this is not possible
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Re: Multiple surface to scatter

Post by raistlin »

Arg, sad answer :(
Maybe , also, you can set a "vraypattern" manager, like multiscatter which regroup each Vraypattern object and manage each one.

The vraypattern object load a pattern by the lan and the last production i have done i've encoutered a LOT of XREF problems... My scene is a 5 KM large surface... With a tons of polygons, i've to separate each element by scene that i've to xref, but Vraypattern block the xref and each render was stopped during tue net render... I "JUST" have to merge the xref scene and everything work like a charm... So my scene is a 600 Mo file which take 15m in to save and is really HEAVY to work with...
Do you have encoutered that problem with your network?
Or maybe you have some council or process to share with us?

Thanks Anvar, i know that's a ton's of questions but it's to perform everything, i share some pictures of that, your pattern made me realize a 5km city to be populate with 3D grass pattern, something no one else plugins has been able to afford to! (and my 48Go ram permite so :/)

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Re: Multiple surface to scatter

Post by anvar »

thanks for feedback, we will take it to consideration fro future development
regarding xref

you can either use "from file" feature
or create xref not just for one object but for the whole system, surface, object and pattern itself, it should work this way
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